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ph - 8232 3425

fax - 8490 5585

28-30 Finniss Street, North Adelaide SA

Dr Harvey

FRACS, BMBS, BScPlastic & Reconstructive SurgeonHand Surgeon

Hand Surgery


Dupuytren's disease is a thickening of the "fascia" of the palm that leads to lumps in the palm and fingers and contraction of the fingers into the palm

Joint replacement

The joints of the fingers and hand can be severely affected by arthritis. This can lead to reduced movement and pain in the fingers. In the same way that knee replacements can relieve pain from arthritis the finger joints can be replaced to help relieve this pain

Carpal Tunnel

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a very common condition causing pins and needles and numbness in the fingers. It also commonly causes pain and wakes people at night due to this. It is due to compression of one of the nerves to the hand as it passes the wrist

Thumb base arthritis

Pain at the base of the thumb and side of the wrist is a common symptom of arthritis. Many people are not aware that there are effective surgical solution to relieve this pain.

Tendon Injuries

Injuries to the tendons of the hand are common and are often associated with damage to the nerves and blood vessels. Accurate repair by and experienced surgeon can make a large difference to the outcome following such injuries.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis can cause major malformation and dysfunction of the hands and fingers. Treatment by an experienced hand surgeon as part of a larger treating team can help maintain and restore both function and appearance to hands.

Plastic Surgery

Skin cancer

Skin Cancer can be treated in many different ways and is treated by many different professionals. Knowing your surgeon is fully trained in all aspects of management of skin cancers is very important.

Naevi/Congenital naevi

Naevi come in all shapes and sizes, ranging from millimetres across to those that take up entire limbs. There are several treatments for naevi that are available depending on the size and location of the lesion.


Plastic surgery for children is a large sub-specialty encompassing many areas including ear deformities, hand and facial deformities, nerve injuries and many tissue injuries and deformities. Reconstructive surgery can help many children with birth abnormalities.

Skin flaps

There are a number of reconstructive techniques available for larger defects. The use of local tissue to cove a wound is known as a skin flap.

Facial Palsy

Paralysis of the face can be a devastating condition affecting appearance, vision, breathing, eating and all social interactions. There are a number of surgical solutions that are able to address the common complications of facial palsy

Ear Surgery/Otoplasty

Prominent ears are a very common condition that can cause a great deal of social anxiety. Corrective surgery to improve the position of the ears is very common and involves several specific manoeuvres that are tailored to each persons individual ear shape and position.

How to make an appointment


step 1

Please obtain a referral from your general practitioner and discuss the need for treatment with them.


step 2

Please get your GP to fax your referral and we will contact you over the phone to arrange an appointment time


step 3

At the appointment please bring all relevant x-rays, scans and test results.

Consultation Facility

Adelaide Plastic & Hand Surgery​

28-30 Finniss Street, North Adelaide SA

Phone: 08 82323425
Fax: 08 8490 5585

Operating Facilities

Dr Harvey operates at the following medical facilitiesaround South Australia...

Burnside Hospital - Stacked_edited.png
To make an appointment

Contact Details



28-30 Finniss Street, North Adelaide SA 5006

Phone: 08 8232 3425

Fax: 08 8490 5585


© 2024 Adelaide Plastic and Hand Surgery All Rights Reserved 

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